Results for 'Guido Andrea Pautasso'

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  1.  5
    Julius Evola (anti)fascista negli anni Trenta: l'esperienza de "Il Saggiatore" (1931-1932).Guido Andrea Pautasso - 2022 - Milano: Ritter.
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  2. Corporate Legitimacy as Deliberation: A Communicative Framework.Guido Palazzo & Andreas Georg Scherer - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (1):71-88.
    Modern society is challenged by a loss of efficiency in national governance systems values, and lifestyles. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) discourse builds upon a conception of organizational legitimacy that does not appropriately reflect these changes. The problems arise from the a-political role of the corporation in the concepts of cognitive and pragmatic legitimacy, which are based on compliance to national law and on relatively homogeneous and stable societal expectations on the one hand and widely accepted rhetoric assuming that all members (...)
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  3. Global rules and private actors: Toward a new role of the transnational corporation in global governance.Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo & Dorothée Baumann - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (4):505-532.
    : We discuss the role that transnational corporations should play in developing global governance, creating a framework of rules and regulations for the global economy. The central issue is whether TNCs should provide global rules and guarantee individual citizenship rights, or instead focus on maximizing profits. First, we describe the problems arising from the globalization process that affect the relationship between public rules and private firms. Next we consider the position of economic and management theories in relation to the social (...)
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  4. Introduction to the Special Issue: Globalization as a Challenge for Business Responsibilities.Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo & Dirk Matten - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (3):327-347.
    This article assesses some of the implications of globalization for the scholarly debate on business ethics, CSR and related concepts. The argument is based, among other things, on the declining capacity of nation state institutions to regulate socially desirable corporate behavior as well as the growing corporate exposure to heterogeneous social, cultural and political values in societies globally. It is argued that these changes are shifting the corporate role towards a sphere of societal governance hitherto dominated by traditional political actors. (...)
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    Managing Competing Demands: Coping With the Inclusiveness–Efficiency Paradox in Cross-Sector Partnerships.Guido Möllering, Andreas Rasche & Leona A. Henry - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (2):267-304.
    This article discusses how cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) for sustainability manage the paradoxical tension between stakeholder inclusiveness and administrative efficiency. Drawing on qualitative data from a case study of a CSP focused on urban sustainability, we show how the inclusiveness–efficiency paradox unfolded throughout the studied collaboration. We discuss how the paradox reemerged in a different guise within each phase of the partnership and how three practices of paradox management helped actors to cope with the tension: “customized inviting” (during the formation phase), (...)
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    Timing is everything: Dance aesthetics depend on the complexity of movement kinematics.Andrea Orlandi, Emily S. Cross & Guido Orgs - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104446.
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    The role of goals in belief selection.Guido Boella, Célia da Costa Pereira, Gabriella Pigozzi, Andrea Tettamanzi & Leendert van der Torre - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (4):559-578.
    In this paper we consider the relation between beliefs and goals in agent theory. Beliefs play three roles in reasoning about goals: they play a role in the generation of unconditional desires from conditional ones, they play a role in adoption of desires as goals, and they play a role in the selection of plans to achieve goals. In this paper we consider the role of goals in reasoning about beliefs. Though we assume that goals do not play a role (...)
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    Hobbes e il potere. Dalla fisica alla teologia, dalla teoria delle passioni alla politica.Dimitri D'Andrea, Guido Frilli & Francesco Toto - 2019 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 31 (60).
    Besides indicating the fundamental themes of the various contributions that come together in this monographic section, the purpose of this introduction is to recall the main features of the Hobbesian concept of power, starting from the belief that Hobbes’ philosophy is above all a phi-losophy of power. Based on a radical materialistic ontology, the Hobbesian semantics of power takes on different variations in the particular discursive fields it crosses, which in turn significantly influence its movement. The double dependence on the (...)
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    Dire l'individuale. Tra poesia, romanzo e filosofia.Andrea Inglese, Guido Mazzoni & Italo Testa - 2014 - Società Degli Individui 50:111-130.
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    Introduction to the special issue on Combining Constraint Solving with Mining and Learning.Andrea Passerini, Guido Tack & Tias Guns - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 244 (C):1-5.
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    Managing Institutional Complexity: A Longitudinal Study of Legitimacy Strategies at a Sportswear Brand Company.Dorothee Baumann-Pauly, Andreas Georg Scherer & Guido Palazzo - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (1):31-51.
    Multinational corporations are operating in complex business environments. They are confronted with contradictory institutional demands that often represent mutually incompatible expectations of various audiences. Managing these demands poses new organizational challenges for the corporation. Conducting an empirical case study at the sportswear manufacturer Puma, we explore how multinational corporations respond to institutional complexity and what legitimacy strategies they employ to maintain their license to operate. We draw on the literature on institutional theory, contingency theory, and organizational paradoxes. The results of (...)
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    The European Legal Taxonomy Syllabus: A multi-lingual, multi-level ontology framework to untangle the web of European legal terminology.Gianmaria Ajani, Guido Boella, Luigi di Caro, Livio Robaldo, Llio Humphreys, Sabrina Praduroux, Piercarlo Rossi & Andrea Violato - 2016 - Applied ontology 11 (4):325-375.
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    Against age limits for men in reproductive care.Steven R. Piek, Andrea Martani & Guido Pennings - 2024 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 27 (3):299-307.
    Almost all countries and fertility clinics impose age limits on women who want to become pregnant through Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). Age limits for aspiring fathers, however, are much less common and remain a topic of debate. This article departs from the principle of reproductive autonomy and a conditional positive right to receive ART, and asks whether there are convincing arguments to also impose age limits on aspiring fathers. After considering three consequentialist approaches to justifying age limits for aspiring fathers, (...)
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  14. Enciclopedia della Filosofia e delle Scienze Umane. Virgilio Melchiorre (ed.).Virgilio Melchiorre, Guido Boffi, Eugenio Garin, Adriano Bausola, Enrico Berti, Francesca Castellani, Sergio Cremaschi, Carla Danani, Roberto Diodato, Sergio Galvan, Alessandro Ghisalberti, Giuseppe Grampa, Michele Lenoci, Roberto Maiocchi, Michele Marsonet, Emanuela Mora, Carlo Penco, Roberto Radice, Giovanni Reale, Andrea Salanti, Piero Stefani, Valerio Verra & Paolo Volonté - 1996 - Novara: De Agostini.
    One 1120 pages volume, with 4000 entries covering - Western philosophy: authors, schools, concepts and terminology; - religions, cultural anthropology, eastern philosophies; - Psychology and psychoanalysis; - linguistics and semiotics; - sociology and political theory.
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    Addendum to: “The Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem is the jump of weak Kőnig's lemma” [Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 163 (6) (2012) 623–655]. [REVIEW]Vasco Brattka, Andrea Cettolo, Guido Gherardi, Alberto Marcone & Matthias Schröder - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (8):1605-1608.
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    Psychological Treatments and Psychotherapies in the Neurorehabilitation of Pain: Evidences and Recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuele M. Giusti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Donatella Saviola, Arianna Gatti, Samantha Gabrielli, Marco Lacerenza, Giada Pietrabissa, Roberto Cattivelli, Chiara A. M. Spatola, Stefania Corti, Margherita Novelli, Valentina Villa, Andrea Cottini, Carlo Lai, Francesco Pagnini, Lorys Castelli, Mario Tavola, Riccardo Torta, Marco Arreghini, Loredana Zanini, Amelia Brunani, Paolo Capodaglio, Guido E. D'Aniello, Federica Scarpina, Andrea Brioschi, Lorenzo Priano, Alessandro Mauro, Giuseppe Riva, Claudia Repetto, Camillo Regalia, Enrico Molinari, Paolo Notaro, Stefano Paolucci, Giorgio Sandrini, Susan G. Simpson, Brenda Wiederhold & Stefano Tamburin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  17.  10
    2. Andreas Alciatus an Viglius Aytta van Zwichem.Guido Kisch - 1968 - In Gestalten Und Probleme Aus Humanismus Und Jurisprudenz: Neue Studien Und Texte. Berlin,: De Gruyter. pp. 196-198.
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    Psychological Considerations in the Assessment and Treatment of Pain in Neurorehabilitation and Psychological Factors Predictive of Therapeutic Response: Evidence and Recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuele M. Giusti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Donatella Saviola, Arianna Gatti, Samantha Gabrielli, Marco Lacerenza, Giada Pietrabissa, Roberto Cattivelli, Chiara A. M. Spatola, Stefania Corti, Margherita Novelli, Valentina Villa, Andrea Cottini, Carlo Lai, Francesco Pagnini, Lorys Castelli, Mario Tavola, Riccardo Torta, Marco Arreghini, Loredana Zanini, Amelia Brunani, Paolo Capodaglio, Guido E. D'Aniello, Federica Scarpina, Andrea Brioschi, Lorenzo Priano, Alessandro Mauro, Giuseppe Riva, Claudia Repetto, Camillo Regalia, Enrico Molinari, Paolo Notaro, Stefano Paolucci, Giorgio Sandrini, Susan G. Simpson, Brenda Wiederhold & Stefano Tamburin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  19.  11
    Trattato dei vincoli (Andrea Sartori); Il desiderio chiamato Utopia.Guido Genovese & Fredric Jameson - 2009 - Società Degli Individui 35:189-196.
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    Aerobic Exercise Induces Functional and Structural Reorganization of CNS Networks in Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Jan-Patrick Stellmann, Adil Maarouf, Karl-Heinz Schulz, Lisa Baquet, Jana Pöttgen, Stefan Patra, Iris-Katharina Penner, Susanne Gellißen, Gesche Ketels, Pierre Besson, Jean-Philippe Ranjeva, Maxime Guye, Guido Nolte, Andreas K. Engel, Bertrand Audoin, Christoph Heesen & Stefan M. Gold - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  21.  18
    Andreas K. Engel, Karl J. Friston. [REVIEW]Guido Baggio - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (1).
    In May 2013, Andreas K. Engel, Alexander Maye, Martin Kurthen, and Peter König published an article entitled “Where’s the Action? The Pragmatic Turn in Cognitive Science” in which they witnessed a “Pragmatic Turn” in cognitive science, i.e. the shift from a representation-centered perspective to a paradigm that focuses on the understanding of cognition as “enactive.” This new paradigm suggested that “cognition seems fundamentally grounded in action” (Engel et al. 2013: 206). The authors’ use...
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    Was Sich Nicht Sagen Lässt: Das Nicht-Begriffliche in Wissenschaft, Kunst Und Religion.Joachim Bromand & Guido Kreis (eds.) - 2010 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag/De Gruyter.
    Die Welt ist alles, was wir in unseren naturwissenschaftlichen Theorien beschreiben konnen so eine weit verbreitete Uberzeugung, die seit den Tagen des Positivismus unser Weltbild bestimmt. Aber reicht das tatsachlich schon aus? Wer sich am Ideal der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis orientiert, neigt dazu, viele nicht-begriffliche Erfahrungsformen zu unterschlagen, die uns aus dem Alltag vertraut sind: Symbolsysteme wie Musik, Literatur oder Bilder, Instanzen der unmittelbaren Erfahrung wie Anschauung, Wahrnehmung oder Gefuhl und den Bereich des praktischen Konnens. In der Regel sind wir nicht (...)
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    Guido Baselgia - Light Fall: Photographs 2006-2014.Nadine Olonetzky (ed.) - 2014 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    The artistic work of photographer Gudio Baselgia focuses on landscapes formed by nature s forces and, more recently, on the sky with the stellar and solar movements and phenomena as we see them from earth. Celestial mechanics have fascinated mankind in all known cultures, the Babylonians and ancient Egyptians as well as the Greek and Celts, the Maya, or the ancient Indians and Chinese. Until the present day we look at the sky and keep being amazed, and try to read (...)
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    Quantum theory at the crossroads: reconsidering the 1927 Solvay conference.Guido Bacciagaluppi - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Antony Valentini.
    The 1927 Solvay conference was perhaps the most important meeting in the history of quantum theory. Contrary to popular belief, the interpretation of quantum theory was not settled at this conference, and no consensus was reached. Instead, a range of sharply conflicting views were presented and extensively discussed, including de Broglie's pilot-wave theory, Born and Heisenberg's quantum mechanics, and Schrödinger's wave mechanics. Today, there is no longer an established or dominant interpretation of quantum theory, so it is important to re-evaluate (...)
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  25. ChatGPT and the Technology-Education Tension: Applying Contextual Virtue Epistemology to a Cognitive Artifact.Guido Cassinadri - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (14):1-28.
    According to virtue epistemology, the main aim of education is the development of the cognitive character of students (Pritchard, 2014, 2016). Given the proliferation of technological tools such as ChatGPT and other LLMs for solving cognitive tasks, how should educational practices incorporate the use of such tools without undermining the cognitive character of students? Pritchard (2014, 2016) argues that it is possible to properly solve this ‘technology-education tension’ (TET) by combining the virtue epistemology framework with the theory of extended cognition (...)
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  26.  42
    Do socially disruptive technologies really change our concepts or just our conceptions?Guido Löhr - 2023 - Technology in Society 72.
    New technologies have the potential to severely “challenge” or “disrupt” not only our established social practices but our most fundamental concepts and distinctions like person versus object, nature versus artificial or being dead versus being alive. But does this disruption also change these concepts? Or does it merely change our operationalizations and applications of the same concepts? In this paper, I argue that instead of focusing on individual conceptual change, philosophers of socially disruptive technologies (SDTs) should think about conceptual change (...)
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  27. A modal theory of discrimination.Guido Melchior - 2021 - Synthese 198 (11):10661-10684.
    Discrimination is a central epistemic capacity but typically, theories of discrimination only use discrimination as a vehicle for analyzing knowledge. This paper aims at developing a self-contained theory of discrimination. Internalist theories of discrimination fail since there is no compelling correlation between discriminatory capacities and experiences. Moreover, statistical reliabilist theories are also flawed. Only a modal theory of discrimination is promising. Versions of sensitivity and adherence that take particular alternatives into account provide necessary and sufficient conditions on discrimination. Safety in (...)
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    Does polysemy support radical contextualism? On the relation between minimalism, contextualism and polysemy.Guido Löhr - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (1):68-92.
    Polysemy has only recently entered the debate on semantic minimalism and contextualism. This is surprising considering that the key linguistic examples discussed in the debate, such as ‘John cut the grass’ or ‘The leaf is green’ appear to be prime examples of polysemy. Moreover, François Recanati recently argued that the mere existence of polysemy falsi!es semantic minimalism and supports radical contextualism. The aim of this paper is to discuss how the minimalism-contextualism debate relates to polysemy. This connection turns out to (...)
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  29. (1 other version)The role of decoherence in quantum mechanics.Guido Bacciagaluppi - 2003 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Interference phenomena are a well-known and crucial feature of quantum mechanics, the two-slit experiment providing a standard example. There are situations, however, in which interference effects are (artificially or spontaneously) suppressed. We shall need to make precise what this means, but the theory of decoherence is the study of (spontaneous) interactions between a system and its environment that lead to such suppression of interference. This study includes detailed modelling of system-environment interactions, derivation of equations (‘master equations’) for the (reduced) state (...)
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    Upstream Corporate Social Responsibility: The Evolution From Contract Responsibility to Full Producer Responsibility.Guido Palazzo & Judith Schrempf-Stirling - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (4):491-527.
    The debate about the appropriate standards for upstream corporate social responsibility of multinational corporations has been on the public and academic agenda for some three decades. The debate originally focused narrowly on “contract responsibility” of MNCs for monitoring of upstream contractors for “sweatshop” working conditions violating employee rights. The authors argue that the MNC upstream responsibility debate has shifted qualitatively over time to “full producer responsibility” involving an expansion from “contract responsibility” in three distinct dimensions. First, there is an expansion (...)
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  31. Rationally irresolvable disagreement.Guido Melchior - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (4):1277-1304.
    The discussion about deep disagreement has gained significant momentum in the last several years. This discussion often relies on the intuition that deep disagreement is, in some sense, rationally irresolvable. In this paper, I will provide a theory of rationally irresolvable disagreement. Such a theory is interesting in its own right, since it conflicts with the view that rational attitudes and procedures are paradigmatic tools for resolving disagreement. Moreover, I will suggest replacing discussions about deep disagreement with an analysis of (...)
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  32. Skepticism: The Hard Problem for Indirect Sensitivity Accounts.Guido Melchior - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (1):45-54.
    Keith DeRose’s solution to the skeptical problem is based on his indirect sensitivity account. Sensitivity is not a necessary condition for any kind of knowledge, as direct sensitivity accounts claim, but the insensitivity of our beliefs that the skeptical hypotheses are false explains why we tend to judge that we do not know them. The orthodox objection line against any kind of sensitivity account of knowledge is to present instances of insensitive beliefs that we still judge to constitute knowledge. This (...)
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  33. Is logic empirical?Guido Bacciagaluppi - unknown
    The philosophical debate about quantum logic between the late 1960s and the early 1980s was generated mainly by Putnam's claims that quantum mechanics empirically motivates introducing a new form of logic, that such an empirically founded quantum logic is the `true' logic, and that adopting quantum logic would resolve all the paradoxes of quantum mechanics. Most of that debate focussed on the latter claim, reaching the conclusion that it was mistaken. This chapter will attempt to clarify the possible misunderstandings surrounding (...)
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    Eunomos, a legal document and knowledge management system for the Web to provide relevant, reliable and up-to-date information on the law.Guido Boella, Luigi Di Caro, Llio Humphreys, Livio Robaldo, Piercarlo Rossi & Leendert van der Torre - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 24 (3):245-283.
    This paper describes the Eunomos software, an advanced legal document and knowledge management system, based on legislative XML and ontologies. We describe the challenges of legal research in an increasingly complex, multi-level and multi-lingual world and how the Eunomos software helps users cut through the information overload to get the legal information they need in an organized and structured way and keep track of the state of the relevant law on any given topic. Using NLP tools to semi-automate the lower-skill (...)
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    Changing legal systems: legal abrogations and annulments in Defeasible Logic.Guido Governatori & Antonino Rotolo - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (1):157-194.
    In this paper we investigate how to represent and reason about legal abrogations and annulments in Defeasible Logic. We examine some options that embed in this setting, and in similar rule-based systems, ideas from belief and base revision. In both cases, our conclusion is negative, which suggests to adopt a different logical model. This model expresses temporal aspects of legal rules, and distinguishes between two main timelines, one internal to a given temporal version of the legal system, and another relative (...)
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    Abstract concepts, compositionality, and the contextualism-invariantism debate.Guido Löhr - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (6):689-710.
    Invariantists argue that the notion of concept in psychology should be reserved for knowledge that is retrieved in a context-insensitive manner. Contextualists argue that concepts are to be understood in terms of context-sensitive ad hoc constructions. I review the central empirical evidence for and against both views and show that their conclusions are based on a common mischaracterization of both theories. When the difference between contextualism and invariantism is properly understood, it becomes apparent that the way the question of stability (...)
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  37. A generality problem for bootstrapping and sensitivity.Guido Melchior - 2014 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):31-47.
    Vogel argues that sensitivity accounts of knowledge are implausible because they entail that we cannot have any higher-level knowledge that our beliefs are true, not false. Becker and Salerno object that Vogel is mistaken because he does not formalize higher-level beliefs adequately. They claim that if formalized correctly, higher-level beliefs are sensitive, and can therefore constitute knowledge. However, these accounts do not consider the belief-forming method as sensitivity accounts require. If we take bootstrapping as the belief-forming method, as the discussed (...)
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  38. Rational Choice and Democratic Deliberation: A Theory of Discourse Failure.Guido Pincione & Fernando R. Tesón - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    In public political deliberation, people will err and lie in accordance with definite patterns. Such discourse failure results from behavior that is both instrumentally and epistemically rational. The deliberative practices of a liberal democracy cannot be improved so as to overcome the tendency for rational citizens to believe and say things at odds with reliable propositions of social science. The theory has several corollaries. One is that much contemporary political philosophy can be seen as an unsuccessful attempt to vindicate, on (...)
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  39. Remarks on Space-time and Locality in Everett's Interpretation.Guido Bacciagaluppi - 2002 - In Tomasz Placek & Jeremy Butterfield (eds.), Non-locality and Modality. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 105--122.
    Interpretations that follow Everett's idea that the universal wave function contains a multiplicity of coexisting realities, usually claim to give a completely local account of quantum mechanics. That is, they claim to give an account that avoids both a non-local collapse of the wave function, and the action at a distance needed in hidden variable theories in order to reproduce the quantum mechanical violation of the Bell inequalities. In this paper, I sketch how these claims can be substantiated in two (...)
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    Mastering the Appetites of Matter. Francis Bacon's Sylva Sylvarum.Guido Giglioni - 2010 - In Charles T. Wolfe & Ofer Gal (eds.), The Body as Object and Instrument of Knowledge: Embodied Empiricism in Early Modern Science. Springer. pp. 149--167.
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    Learning to like it: Aesthetic perception of bodies, movements and choreographic structure.Guido Orgs, Nobuhiro Hagura & Patrick Haggard - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):603-612.
    Appreciating human movement can be a powerful aesthetic experience. We have used apparent biological motion to investigate the aesthetic effects of three levels of movement representation: body postures, movement transitions and choreographic structure. Symmetrical and asymmetrical sequences of apparent movement were created from static postures, and were presented in an artificial grammar learning paradigm. Additionally, “good” continuation of apparent movements was manipulated by changing the number of movement path reversals within a sequence. In an initial exposure phase, one group of (...)
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  42. The role of decoherence in quantum theory.Guido Bacciagaluppi - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    An Interview with Andrea Lorenzo Baldini.Andrea Lorenzo Baldini & Nathan Hirscher - 2021 - Washington University Review of Philosophy 1:41-52.
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  44. Giovanni Dosi, Luigi Marengo, Andrea Bassanini, and Marco Valente.Andrea Bassanini - 1998 - In Peter Danielson (ed.), Modeling Rationality, Morality, and Evolution. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 7--442.
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    Ricordo di Andrea Vasa.Andrea Vasa, Cesare Luporini, Luciano Handjaras & Maria Grazia Sandrini (eds.) - 1982 - Firenze: Olschki.
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  46. (1 other version)Heisenberg (and Schrödinger, and Pauli) on hidden variables.Guido Bacciagaluppi & Elise Crull - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 40 (4):374-382.
    In this paper, we discuss various aspects of Heisenberg’s thought on hidden variables in the period 1927–1935. We also compare Heisenberg’s approach to others current at the time, specifically that embodied by von Neumann’s impossibility proof, but also views expressed mainly in correspondence by Pauli and by Schroedinger. We shall base ourselves mostly on published and unpublished materials that are known but little-studied, among others Heisenberg’s own draft response to the EPR paper. Our aim will be not only to clarify (...)
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    Learning to Read Nature.Guido Giglioni - 2013 - Early Science and Medicine 18 (4-5):405-434.
    Francis Bacon’s elusive notion of experience can be better understood when we relate it to his views on matter, motion, appetite and intellect, and bring to the fore its broader philosophical implications. Bacon’s theory of knowledge is embedded in a programme of disciplinary redefinition, outlined in the Advancement of Learning and De augmentis scientiarum. Among all disciplines, prima philosophia plays a key foundational role, based on the idea of both a physical parallelism between the human intellect and nature and a (...)
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  48. The Modus Vivendi of Persons with Schizophrenia: Valueception Impairment and Phenomenological Reduction.Guido Cusinato - 2018 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 6:78-92.
    So far, the value dimension underlying affectivity disorders has remained out of focus in phenomenological psychopathology. As early as at the beginning of the 20th century, however, German phenomenologist Max Scheler examined in depth the relationship between affectivity and value dimension through the concept of valueception (Wertnehmung). In this sense, a recent noteworthy contribution has been provided by John Cutting, who has drawn attention to the importance of Scheler’s analyses for psychiatry. In this work I take into consideration only two (...)
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  49. Periagoge. Teoria della singolarità e filosofia come esercizio di trasformazione (II ed.).Guido Cusinato - 2017 - Verona, Italy: QuiEdit.
    Botticelli and Tizian depict the Annunciation in two very different ways. Botticelli portrays a kneeling angel in an act of guiding from below, while Tizian represents an angel imposing himself from above with an authoritarian forefinger. Botticelli's painting suggests an intention of orientation that is not authoritarian yet able to bring about a transformation (Umbildung). It also suggests that an individual's transformation cannot be achieved in a closed solipsistic dimension, but requires a disclosure from otherness. My theory is that at (...)
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  50. Bootstrapping and Persuasive Argumentation.Guido Melchior - 2024 - Argumentation 38 (2).
    That bootstrapping and Moorean reasoning fail to instantiate persuasive argumentation is an often informally presented but not systematically developed view. In this paper, I will argue that this unpersuasiveness is not determined by principles of justification transmission but by two straightforward principles of rationality, understood as a concept of internal coherence. First, it is rational for S to believe the conclusion of an argument because of the argument, only if S believes sufficiently many premises of the argument. Second, if S (...)
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